How my yoga practice changed since I’m pregnant?

I don’t know if it was mother instinct or just a coincidence but I stopped practicing yoga in my early days of pregnancy.

I didn’t know it at that time though.

It took me a couple of weeks of feeling lazy and unmotivated about anything before telling myself “maybe I should take a test” 🤔

First trimester was the worst so far

I could barely eat.

The only things my stomach would allow were: scrambled eggs, instant noodles and any fruits or veggies that were extremely sour like passion fruits, kiwis, grapes and pickles.

Anything sweet was 🤢

And I don’t even wanna talk about meat 🤮

For my second trimester, I decided to get back on my mat

I was actually already feeling better towards the end of my first trimester but I was too scared to see how much I’ve had lost in strength and flexibility.

I know it’s silly and completely irrational but that’s how I felt.

So I postponed for many weeks until one day I decided that it was time to overcome this fear.

Of course my hamstrings were screaming at me when I was in downdog and I could barely hold a plank for 5 breaths.

That was expected.

But instead of making me feel sad, I felt happy to be back on the mat. Although my body was not so happy during the practice, afterwards I felt really good and at peace.

So for my second trimester, I practiced:

  • Almost every day but for shorter periods, around 20min,
  • More meditation,
  • Barely no headstand,
  • No pincha.

What about my third trimester?

As I’m writing right now, I’m at 27 weeks which is the end of my second trimester.

So I’ll update this paragraph towards the end of my final trimester or maybe when baby girl #2 will be born 😊

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