Lessons learned after almost 2 months in South America

I’m halfway through my trip to South America and so far, I’ve learned:

  • I’m addicted to freedom and I’m intended to live MY life and not what people would expect me to do;
  • The only limitation I have is myself. If I really want to accomplish something, I know I can do it;
  • To open my heart and overcome my fears of being rejected;
  • I’m attracting the right people in my life by being authentic;
  • I love to help people finding solutions to their problems by asking them simple questions;
  • To follow my intuition. For my second HelpX experience in a farm in Argentina, I had to leave one week earlier than expected because the host would make me feel uncomfortable. And actually, I felt like a negative energy once I arrived at his farm. Luckily nothing happened and I had fun doing hitchhiking to flee from this place actually 🙂
  • To be happy with simple little things like having a shower (even when it’s cold), having a bed (even if the mattress doesn’t really support your back anymore ^^), having food every day.

But overall, what I’ve learned is…

…if you don’t risk anything in your life, you’ll end up with regrets…

…and will be wondering:

What could have happened if you had done this or that…

What people regret the most in their life is not what they did do but the things that they didn’t do. So, think about of all the things you have dreamt about for a long time but never actually done it and start to do them NOW before it’s too late.

You only have one life, but if you do it right, once is enough

And if you don’t have any dream, ask yourself that question:

If anything was possible, what would be my ideal life?

Follow your heart. You have all the answers within you.  Of course, there will be many bumps in the way. I’m not telling you it will always be easy. I’m just telling you it will be worth it. You just have to be patient and trust that the best is yet to come.

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