Why did I quit my 9-to-5 job?

After 5 years in the same company, I got bored.

I felt like I belonged somewhere else than in this corporate environment.

I remember I considered the option to leave the company in April 2015. But then, I gave my resignation letter only on September 1st, 2015 (and then I had 3 months of notice (yep french policy!)).


Well, when I was talking to random people, I had reactions like:

You’re crazy! Why would you leave? You have 7 weeks of holidays. A good salary. You can travel anywhere you want!

Yes, that’s true.

Why the fuck would I leave?

I thought a loooooot about it. Considering the pros and the cons. Couldn’t sleep properly for several weeks. I would talk about it endlessly with my friends (especially one of my teammate who’s now one of my closest friend ^^).

But then I realized that asking opinion to my friends was a waste of time because they were projecting their fears as if they were in my position. But they were not. I was. Not them.

So, instead of listening to them, I listened to myself.

And the answer was quite obvious, actually.

My job wasn’t making me happy anymore

Personally, working in a job that is not fulfilling for 45 weeks and then having 7 weeks of holidays where you actually think that you’re happy is not a job for me. It’s just a waste of time.

It’s 1575 hours of your time per year that you’ll never recover.

And ’til you reach your retirement days (if it’s still existing), it’ll be 1575 hours/year x 40 years = 63000 hours = 2625 days = 7.19 years!

Can you imagine yourself spending 7 full years of your life doing something you hate?

I don’t know about you but for me it’s pretty clear: I can’t.

I can’t allow myself to settle down for less. I just can’t!

Do you think money, 7 weeks of holidays and a job that you can’t stand anymore is really THE dream life?

Well, think again.

Ask yourself that question:

If money was no object, would you still be doing what you’re doing as a job?

If you answered yes, CONGRATULATIONS, you’re among 13% of the population who truly love their job!

Otherwise, maybe it’s time to make some changes in your life, don’t you think?

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