How to cope with returning home after a long term trip?

For this new article, I’d like to talk about how I prepared myself before returning home. During my trip, I heard some stories about people who would go on depression because they didn’t have any plans once they got back home. For sure, that’s not what I wanted.

So, here I’d like to share with you 3 simple things to do before going back home:

1. Contact your friends and family

Tell them when you’re going back and check if someone can pick you up at the airport. It’s always better to have someone picking you up!

2. Schedule appointments

I came back home on March 28th around 3PM. I knew that day I’d be busy sleeping and eating ^^ So I decided to schedule appointments only the day after.

I had lunch with a friend, got appointments with my doctors, had dinner with other friends to celebrate my birthday… Yes! I turned 28 on March 30th!! Youhou!! ^^

The thing is I want you to keep in mind is to keep yourself busy at least for the first week. If you don’t do it, you might stay droopy all day loooong…

3. Meditate about what you’ve experienced and learned

Have you found:

  • A new passion?
  • Your purpose in life?
  • New strengths?

Whatever it might be, think about what you’ve learned during this amazing journey.

[Fun fact: I had lots of time to meditate, especially during my bus trip from Lima to Santiago. I spent 3 nights in 2 buses. Landscapes were beautiful! But never again!!! ^^]

I had some friends on the phone during my trip, and the common question they were asking was:

What have you learned so far?

I learned so much things about myself!

  • I’m a strong, and independant woman;
  • I’m not shy, I’m an introvert and I’m learning to have more self-confidence in myself;
  • I love to take risks;
  • I’m a self-starter and I know I can achieve anything I want;
  • I love to learn new things, so I decided to read books, attend meetups and seminars, watch videos of topics I’m interested in.
  • Of course, there is more to tell… but I will continue this self-introspection work in a new post ^^

To finish, I’d say that I’m not perfect and nobody is but I made a promise to myself that I will never stop improving myself to be a better person for me but also for people I care about. And I think everyone should do the same.

You’ve been given a beautiful gift called LIFE.

Don’t waste your time doing things you don’t love to do. There are so many opportunities to upgrade your life. Open your eyes. And let your heart guide you!


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