4 years ago

It’s been 4 years (already!) that I made the decision to quit my job.

But it was more than just quitting my corporate job. It was about building the foundations of my new life.

A life that I would finally enjoy. A life on my own terms.

I thought I knew what I wanted: to live in San Francisco within a year, and earn $10,000/month as a life coach.

Of course, I didn’t make it.

I didn’t make it because it was not what I wanted. It was what my ego wanted.

At that time, I wasn’t aware of it yet.

All my ego wanted was to show off to people I didn’t even appreciate with things I didn’t care about.

Before quitting my corporate life, I was earning 2,500€/month and it was already enough for me to have what I wanted.

With that income, I was able to rent my own apartment, hang out at least twice per week with friends, travel the world 5 weeks per year, buy fancy clothes, and also pay back my student loan. Everything was just fine…

…in the surface.

But deep down, I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t help myself but feel like I didn’t belong there.

This whole idea of climbing up the ladders of my corporate career was not what I was striving for. I just really didn’t care at all about status.

For many years, I thought I was career-oriented though. So it was quite a shock for my friends and family when I announced that I was quitting.

And not only was I quitting my job, but I was also traveling solo in South America for 4 months.

Yes I know, I’m crazy lol

Even I, when I think about it, I’m like, “Wow I can’t believe I did that!”

Fast forward 4 years, I met Davidson, we got married and had a beautiful daughter.

There are still things that we need to improve, like living on our own because for now we’ve been hosted by my parents for 3 years (and we’re so grateful for that chance).

Even though my life didn’t turn out the way my ego planned, for me it turned out so much better. I’m feeling at peace with myself…

…and that’s what I was looking for the whole time.

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