What’s up?

I know it’s been a while since my last update but hey ^^ Davidson and I are finally married now! Yaaay 💑 I posted some pictures on IG, take a look:

It was a wonderful day, although very stressful before the wedding ceremony (because someone* decided to have a shower at 2h45PM when we were supposed to be leaving at 3PM!) but whatever… 😊

* Davidson 😂

Time went by so fast that day. Four months of preparation for only one day of celebration. It was pretty intense and we’re happy we got to spend it with our closest friends and family.

Since our wedding day, we’ve been resting for a week or so. Got an inflammation around my hip area — probably because I was wearing high heels the whole day and my body ain’t used to it anymore. I went back to running this week only (yes I’m still running 2 to 3 times a week and lost 5kg since I started 6 months ago 😱😄) and it felt sooooo good ^^

Also, big news: I’m preparing the release of my second book! First I Was Naive part II (we haven’t decided the title yet) will be published this coming December 😊😊

Can’t wait to share more details with you ❤❤❤

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