Travel diary #4: The one with Pablo on the road

July 31st, 2016

Davidson and I were having our breakfast at Adan World Hostel as usual.

As we were about to leave, we heard 2 people talking in Portuguese. I looked at Davidson to confirm if my conclusion was right. And yes it was ^^

I told him to start the conversation with them but he has trouble talking to people when someone (me) is expecting him to do it.

Since he was just listening and not willing to open his mouth, I started to stare at the woman next to me. When she noticed me, I asked “hey where are you from?”

She said she was from Brazil. And right away I said “oh my boyfriend too!”

Starting from there, Davidson was able to talk naturally and 2h passed in no time.

At night, we decided to have a farewell drink together. Clara was not available, so we were out only with Pablo.

Here’s his story…

Pablo is graduated as an electrical engineer. After working for 6 months or so, he realized that what he was doing was not fulfilling him. Yes, he was earning good money but his work was not the right fit for him.

On January (or February?) 2016, he decided to travel.

First stop Moscow during the cold winter of Russia. Then he stayed 3 months working in a hostel in Thailand.

Later, he traveled to Vietnam for 3 months, working as an english teacher. During his 3 months, he spent only 300$.

Then, he traveled to Phnom Penh for a couple of days, before heading to Siem Reap where we met him.

The next day, he was leaving to Bangkok to get a flight to… South Africa before working in Zambia for 3 months.

When he left Brazil, he just knew that he would work for 3 months in Thailand. He figured out the rest while he was on the road.

Pablo just traveled to countries where he had opportunities to work for free accommodation (and sometimes free food and even with a paycheck).

Lessons learned

  • You set your own limitations
  • Stop wishing, start doing
  • Money is just an excuse to not go after your dreams
  • Take the first step toward your dreams and you’ll figure out naturally the rest later
  • Be aware and open to new opportunities
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